It is predominantly masculine and outlaw in nature but its frequent reference to bears gives it a fairytale quality.
Rubber duck on side mirror meaning.
Men with their meat.
Through time certain terms are added or dropped as attitudes toward it change.
Ah yeah 10 4 pig pen fer shure fer shure by golly it s clean clear to flag town c mon yeah that s a big 10 4 there pig pen yeah we definitely got the front door good buddy mercy sakes alive looks like we got us a convoy was the dark of the moon on the sixth of june in a kenworth pullin logs cab.
Ah breaker one nine this here s the rubber duck you gotta copy on me pig pen c mon.
Cb slang is the distinctive anti language argot or cant which developed among users of citizens band radio cb especially truck drivers in the united states during the 1970s and early 1980s.
Rubber ducks on side mirrors hey guys i park in one of the garages and was walking to my car when i noticed a rubber duck sitting on the side mirrors of someone car.
A small plastic or rubber toy duck especially for playing with in the bath.
No one ever makes it to breakfast though they re always scrambling their own eggs.
At the very least have just one in the tub while having your bath.
Ladies with their beans.
Duck loves the gentle motion of slow moving water drifting along meandering rivers and ponds this is a powerful message to go with the flow where the waters take you naturally.
The spiritual meaning of the duck speaks the message.
Even before the term sitting duck came into use the word duck has always had the alternative meaning of avoiding a blow hiding from sight and departing quickly.
I don t care who you are who you think you are or how old or young you are a duck in the tub will bring more fun and happiness to your bath.
Cb slang is the distinctive anti language argot or cant which developed amongst users of citizens band radio cb especially truck drivers in the usa during the 1980s.
The slang itself is not only cyclical but also geographical.
Masturbation at its best.
The duck is a reference to a story in the book the pragmatic driver in which a driver would carry around a rubber duck and explain their erratic driving by forcing themselves to explain it step by step to the duck.
Cb and its distinctive language started in the usa but was then exported to other countries including mexico.